Guide, movement and power

GMP – Guide, Movement and Power

GMPThis is a concept to improve the efficiency of our movements and to deal with the natural reactive response to being grasped. It is very difficult not to react impulsively from being wrist grasped, for example. Your mind immediately focuses on the point of contact and your body tries to instinctively deal with this by generating an equal and opposite reaction. It is a natural law of human behaviour. Usually the applied force from Uke comes through the shoulder and down to the hand. Tori must never the push back to the shoulder of Uke but go around it. Easier said than done! The concept of GMP offers a formal and sequential method of controlling the instinctive reaction.

the thumb as guideThis is the proposed “direction” of movement which is dictated by the hand, which function as a guide for the movement. When using rotational or spiral hand/arm movement the thumb or the little finger will act as the guide.

This is which way to move the elbow as dictated by the hand. Movement is created by using a specific point on the elbow.

point elbow

Power is generated by using the hara (koshi, tanden and yōbu).


straight line elbowPractical exercise for GMP
By sitting or kneeling it is not possible to move the hips. So it becomes easier to isolate the muscles of the lower abdomen, central torso and shoulder line. However, when standing and making a torso rotation, the tendency is to buckle at the knees and “twitch” the hips.
The rotation of koshi, tanden and yōbu create a downward pressure, the rebound from the ground will enforce the power in the arms. The elbows will move forward and back in a straight line. The focus is on the special point of the elbow.

In the exercise and also the practical applications, do not freeze the hips, let them do the work as a kind of gearbox or transmission.

TenshikeiRotation of arm
The picture is taken from Akira Hino’s book – Listen to the body.
The twisting of the arm by an action of an opponent gives an indication about the transmission of power into the body and how to use the rebound of the power.
The opponent is twisting the arm in a hineri fashion. Let the twisting happen by using yukozo.
The untwisting is the reverse of the twisting. Remark the use of the hara (koshi, tanden and yōbu) in transmitting the rebound via the back into the shoulder and elbow. The hand is turned by whole body power. There are no conscious thoughts during this action.
sotai dosa 01In case the opponent is grasping without a hineri (or gaeshi) action, you stillcan create spiral body power by using the movement of the hara.
The hand is not giving any signal to the opponent, the elbow is the movement factor and the body is generating the power to move the opponent.

Published by

Eddy Wolput

A passion for Martial Arts since 1964

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